Highlands of Seminole Neighborhood Association

HSNA Annual Dues Online Payment

Please add the Annual Dues payment year to your cart. Please keep in mind that each past due year carries an annual 18% charge.

There are three convenient ways to pay your HSNA Annual Homeowner Dues

- ONLINE payment: credit or debit card or e-check. If you have already received your Invoice by email, instructions are included. If you would like to receive your Invoice by email, contact treasurer@highlandsofseminole.org.

- ZELLE: if your bank offers Zelle, send payment to treasurer@highlandsofseminole.org(please include your Invoice # as a note on the payment)

- PAPER CHECK: make payable to HSNA (please include your invoice # on the check) and mail to
2935 S. Fish Hatchery Road #402
Fitchburg, WI 53711

If you have any questions or comments, please email treasurer@highlandsofseminole.org.


Late Fees

Note that payments received after March 31, 2024 will be assessed a late fee of $6.75 per quarter.

Please contact info@highlandsofseminole.org if you have any questions.

Are you a TITLE COMPANY looking for annual dues payment status? Please complete the following form and submit to Inthava Hall.